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WRITING from start to finish : a six-step guide

EN Language, Linguistics & Writing 3 years ago 3957
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A new handbook to help beginners kickstart their writing by prize-winning author and long-time writing teacher, Kate GrenvilleDo you find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper, waiting for the words to pour out? If you find writing difficult, this book is for you. Award-winning novelist Kate Grenville shares her method-the 'Six Steps' approach to writing. Whether you're writing a short story, essay, review or report, you can follow the same six steps every time. The steps include: *How to get ideas *How to plan your writing *How to revise. Don't worry. Along the way, Kate provides plenty of examples and hands-on, step-by-step guidance to help get you going-and keep you going. She also includes a quick guide to grammar and an exam kit for last-minute revision. Written in consultation with educational experts, and with a very user-friendly approach, this is an ideal guide for high school students-but it's also full of practical tips to inspire writers of all ages. Many how-to-write books make writing sound hard-this one will give you the confidence to know you can do it. and practical instructions on how to improve their writing.
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