Reading Passages 1.

Reading Passages 1.

EN Writing and Handwriting Practice 4 months ago 1956
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These exercises aim to improve the reading and comprehension skills of first-year children by providing short passages with simple questions that help them grasp the meaning and answer correctly.

Objective of the Exercise:

Develop basic reading skills in children.

Enhance the ability to understand and comprehend by answering questions related to the reading passages.

Encourage children to recall key details from short stories and improve their interpretation skills.

How to Use the Exercise:

The teacher or parent can read the passages to the children if they need help with pronunciation.

After reading each passage, discuss the questions with the child to ensure they understood the main idea of each paragraph.

Understanding can be reinforced by using pictures or illustrations that match the content of the passages.

Importance of the Exercise: This exercise is beneficial for children to practice reading short texts and understanding simple words and phrases. It also helps them develop skills in answering questions, enhancing their ability to interact with texts in both academic and real-world contexts.

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