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How to Be Brilliant at Public Speaking: Learn the six qualities of an inspiring speaker - step by step

EN Langue, linguistique et écriture il y a 3 ans 3730
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Speaking in public can be fun – honestly!


Whatever the occasion, whatever the content, whatever the situation, this book will teach you everything you need to know to plan, prepare and deliver any speech or presentation and will give you the skills to deliver it with style, wit, charm and confidence.


Discover expert tips, tricks, tools and techniques that will help you build on skills and abilities you already have so you can stand up in front of any audience and really wow them.


Whether you’re looking for help in overcoming your fears and building your confidence, or whether you’re already quite good and want to polish your performance, this book will help you.


Anyone can learn to speak in public. This book will show you how even you can do it brilliantly.

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